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Training Advanced

This full day builds on the training Leading meetings that work: the five-step methodology 5S of Meetings®.

ADVANCED: strategy into action with the five-step method 5S of Meetings®

We practice using the five-step method 5S of Meetings® and deepening the areas that we jointly decide. This can be, for example, with a focus on

  • practicing the five steps of the model on various types of meetings
  • intercultural communication, cultural awareness, and global meetings
  • how to technically manage digital and hybrid meetings
  • how to build an effective agenda
  • interactive meeting methods
  • presentation techniques

The training can be carried out with your work group/team/board/department. The group will then have time to discuss, reflect and analyse your meeting situations. We design the day according to your needs.


The aim is to take the knowledge of how to create optimal meetings one step further and to increase your competence. You need to have completed Step 1: “Creating Optimal Meetings: An Introduction to the Five-step Method of 5S of Meetings®” before you register on the advanced level.

The objective is to obtain concrete tools based on the chosen specialization and to be able to apply the five-step method 5S of Meetings® to various types of meetings.


The training is suitable for anyone who works in meeting-intensive environments and who regularly leads meetings, such as managers, leaders, engineers, project managers and supervisors.


We will review the 5S of Meetings® and delve into selected parts.


  • Additional training on how to run effective meetings using the 5S of Meetings® methodology
  • Learn how to troubleshoot and improve your meetings using the 5S tool in practice, and how to apply and reflect on the methods.
  • New immediately applicable knowledge based on selected areas of specialization


You get: 5S of Meetings® Poster; 5S of Meetings® Poster ’My meeting’ and The Meeting Cookbook: Leading Meetings in a Global and Online World. Additional material based on selected areas of specialization.

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