Training Advanced
This full day builds on the training Leading meetings that work: the five-step methodology 5S of Meetings®.
ADVANCED: strategy into action with the five-step method 5S of Meetings®
We practice using the five-step method 5S of Meetings® and deepening the areas that we jointly decide. This can be, for example, with a focus on
- practicing the five steps of the model on various types of meetings
- intercultural communication, cultural awareness, and global meetings
- how to technically manage digital and hybrid meetings
- how to build an effective agenda
- interactive meeting methods
- presentation techniques
The training can be carried out with your work group/team/board/department. The group will then have time to discuss, reflect and analyse your meeting situations. We design the day according to your needs.
Duration: 1 day + ½ day
For best results we recommend a half-day follow-up session.
Language: Swedish / English
Location: Physical / Digital
Participants: 4-16 persons
The aim is to take the knowledge of how to create optimal meetings one step further and to increase your competence. You need to have completed Step 1: “Creating Optimal Meetings: An Introduction to the Five-step Method of 5S of Meetings®” before you register on the advanced level.
The objective is to obtain concrete tools based on the chosen specialization and to be able to apply the five-step method 5S of Meetings® to various types of meetings.
The training is suitable for anyone who works in meeting-intensive environments and who regularly leads meetings, such as managers, leaders, engineers, project managers and supervisors.
We will review the 5S of Meetings® and delve into selected parts.
- Additional training on how to run effective meetings using the 5S of Meetings® methodology
- Learn how to troubleshoot and improve your meetings using the 5S tool in practice, and how to apply and reflect on the methods.
- New immediately applicable knowledge based on selected areas of specialization
You get: 5S of Meetings® Poster; 5S of Meetings® Poster ’My meeting’ and The Meeting Cookbook: Leading Meetings in a Global and Online World. Additional material based on selected areas of specialization.