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We spend a large part of our working time in various meetings – working meetings, information meetings, decision-making meetings. Most managers spend 50-80% of their time in meetings, of which 30-50% is not effectively used working time.

Lack of purpose, too many unstructured meetings, too many or the wrong people in the meeting, no initial preparation or follow-up, no intercultural awareness and meeting facilitators without training in leading meetings… These are just some of the reasons why many of our meetings are not effective. Research shows that 75% of meeting leaders have never received any training in meeting management.

5S of Meetings® combines the well-proven 5S quality methodology – the basis of quality systems such as Lean and Toyota Production System – with an area where there is room for improvement: our daily meetings.

5S is originally a Japanese method and stands for Sort (seiri 整理), Set in order (seiton 整頓), Shine (seiso清掃), Standardise (seiketsu清潔) and Sustain (shitsuke躾). It is a process tool that asks questions, and thus functions as an effective checklist.

By implementing the five-step method of the 5S of Meetings®, you can create an efficient meeting structure where no meetings are conducted unnecessarily. The method allows for detailed troubleshooting to quickly find out what is working well and what can be improved.

After completing training in the 5S of Meetings® five-step method, you can immediately apply the knowledge to your meetings. You will get a strategy for what you need to do before, during and after the meeting – important knowledge whether you are a meeting leader or a meeting participant.

The 5S of Meetings® is the five-step method, and as the reference manual we use the book Meeting Cookbook – Leading Meetings in a Global and Online World (the book is available in Swedish and English).

The authors are Pia Moberg and Erik Mattsson (CEO and founder of Ordrum). The book is a unique combination of Pia and Erik’s knowledge of meetings and meeting effectiveness that covers all aspects of the meeting.

Lectures and training can be tailored to your preferences. If you work in a global or multicultural environment, a combination of 5S of Meetings® and CQ can be a good option.

Read more about the book here.

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