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Training & coaching
in a global world


Japco was founded in 1994. While it initially provided support and training for companies and organisations to interact with their Japanese counterparts, Japco has since expanded to offer training with a focus on understanding the dynamics of cross-cultural meetings, cultural intelligence (CQ) and team building. Japco Publishing House is a part of Japco.

Pia Moberg

Trainer and lecturer with a focus on CQ, cultural competence and how we create meaningful meetings. Pia holds a PhD in Japanese from the University of Gothenburg. She is a certified business and leadership coach and a member of Sietar Europe. Pia has written several books on intercultural communication, Japan and meeting management.

Pia’s latest book Meeting Cookbook – Leading Meetings in a Global and Online World helps meeting leaders and meeting participants to effectively conduct their meetings. Co-author is Erik Mattsson. The book is also the guide and companion to Pia’s patented brand ‘5S of Meetings’. 5S is the foundation of Japan’s production philosophy (lean, TPS, kaizen, etc.), and is a proven troubleshooting and improvement method worldwide. ‘5S of Meetings’ applies 5S to our meetings and is a brand new tool to improve our meeting structure.

Pia is an associate partner of C2U Group.

Read more about Pia’s interest in Aikido, and Japanese calligraphy and see her qualifications and publications here [New pdf]. Video from Pia’s latest exhibition.

Erik Mattson

Erik Mattson is the CEO and founder of the communications company Ordrum. He works as a lecturer, moderator and trainer in communication. He has written the Speaking Cookbook, the Meeting Cookbook and the Writing Cookbook. Erik holds a Masterclasses in presentation technique and trains prospective lawyers in rhetoric.

Erik, together with Pia, is co-author of the book “Meeting Cookbook – Leading Meetings in a Global and Online World”.

You can read more about Erik Mattson here.

Mika Tejbo

Mika Tejbo is a trainer and lecturer in intercultural communication. She has studied electrical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, holds a bachelor’s degree in Japanese and has done master’s studies in intercultural communication. After two years in Japan as a teacher on the JET programme, Mika is contracted at Samarkand2015 AB in Ludvika to conduct trainings and workshops focusing on CQ, cultural competence.

Mika is passionate about TPS, Lean and Japanese quality assurance systems. Together with Pia, Mika has invented and developed the model ‘5S of meetings’.

Gregor Schill

Gregor has a long experience of educating individuals and groups in coaching, coaching leadership, coaching related to stress and mental training. Gregor also works a lot with peak performance in sports and many of his clients are athletes and leaders in business. He is certified in DISC and GDQ, and is the head of the Association of Business and Leadership Coaching (ABLC) – an organization specializing in education and individual programs in leadership, coaching and personal development. He has written books on coaching and mental training.

Gregor works with Japco in providing seminars and training coaching and intercultural coaching.

Peter Chadwick

Peter Chadwick is an engineer, project manager, aviator and cross-cultural coach working worldwide from his base in France. His qualifications include engineering, project management, both general and cross-cultural coaching certifications and a private pilot’s licence. He has been awarded the status of Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and is certified in the Kirkpatrick approach to competence development.

Peter has a long track record of designing and facilitating pragmatic support to individuals, teams and organisations – harnessing the power of international collective intelligence for business success through such factors as leadership, innovation, technology, sales and agile project management. Peter has together with Pia Moberg written the book Meeting Sense: The Chadberg Model – a guide to efficient meetings on all levels in any culture.

Some of our clients

  • Mitsubishi Electric
  • Volvo Group
  • Sony Ericson
  • Epsilon
  • iTech
  • McNeil
  • SCA
  • Nolato
  • Dentsply
  • NYK
  • Göteborgs stad


Team building workshop

“I have on several occasions had the great pleasure to utilize Pia as speaker and facilitator in Cultural Intelligence workshops, in various management teams. The cultural dimension of making teams work together is of paramount importance in the international context of our business. Pia always does a great job to open up our eyes to things, behaviors and habits we see every day but may not fully understand. In ourselves as well as in our colleagues and business partners.  In less mature teams, as well as in teams with senior managers with lots of international experience; the feedback has always been that we learned and reflected a lot. A day with Pia is always a well invested day!”

Andreas Gustafsson
Vice President, 
Volvo Group Trucks Operations

Meeting Sense

“This gem of a book clearly identifies the essential qualities of a good meeting.  It gives sound practical advice on how to pin point problems. From this sound starting point the authors lead us through a process of how to improve, and structure, meetings so that all involved feel satisfied.  In our organisation we use the meeting levels to help manage expectations which is having a profound effect on improving the quality of our meetings.”

Robert Shaw PhD DO,
Programme Director Skandinaviska Osteopathögskolan

”Working in a global environment is a challenge and I have learned that the way meetings are done differs a lot based on culture and management style. Not knowing the purpose of a meeting and what is expected from you as a participant brings frustration and often  results in people not contributing as expected.

The Meeting Sense book clearly captures this problem and provides a model to be used as reference and the illustrated examples can be used as basis for a dialogue in your organization. In addition you get many hands-on tips and tricks to be used instantly.

Johan Iderot
Director Chassis and Final Assembly Technology
Volvo Group Trucks Operations

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