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CQ Training Advanced

CQ is a broad field, and one can delve into almost any area. Japco offers specialised CQ training in four areas: cultural training for expats; country-specific training; coaching and consultation.


If you are moving abroad for an extended period of time, it is a worthwhile investment to prepare yourself. Our training is based on the five critical phases of expatriation – pre-departure, arrival in a new country, living in a new culture, pre-departure, returning home or moving on to another assignment abroad.
Read more about the training here.


The country-specific training includes a basic CQ section, followed by a more in-depth cultural section. We offer country-specific training for Japan and Sweden.

Click here for the CQ Japan page!
Click here to go to the CQ Sweden page!


As a manager, coaching and having difficult conversations – both individually and in groups – with employees from multicultural backgrounds can sometimes be particularly challenging. Go to the page on coaching leadership with cultural perspectives!


Do you have specific questions about CQ in relation to your work situation or do you need to resolve an issue that has arisen? Contact us and we will arrange a time to meet.

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