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Japanese calligraphy

Pia Moberg became interested in Japanese calligraphy when she began studying Japanese in the late 1980s at the University of Gothenburg. She was fascinated by the irrevocability of the species, never able to erase or regret. Since 1997, Pia has been a direct student of professor and calligraphy master Taisho Akahira, who lives in Tokyo. Today, Pia has shodan (first degree black belt) in calligraphy. In addition to traditional calligraphy, she has designed a number of book covers with illustrations inspired by calligraphy’s brushwork.

In September 2021, Pia had her first exhibition. During the spring of 2023 (April 29 – May 7) she had her second exhibition invited to gallery Floras Rike at the Botanical Garden in Gothenburg. The exhibition showcased a wide repertoire: from traditional calligraphic works to more innovative collaborations with various artists working with wood, metal, ink drawings and watercolour.

Video from the exhibition “After Rain and Shadow” from April-May 2023 below:

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